In his article, "Want Meets Necessity in the New American Dream," John Zogby uses a lot of polls conducted to analyze the American Dream. Unlike Fisher who simply split American Dream into materialistic and moralistic, Zogby separated public opinion into four categories: 1. Secular Spiritualists, 2. Traditional Materialists, 3. Deferred Dreamers, and 4. Dreamless Dead. After all those pages on Fisher, I can't wait to stop typing the words "materialistic and moralistic." I feel like my fingers have developed muscle memories for those two words. Ok, time to get back on track. According to Zogby's poll in November 2008, Secular Spiritualists made up 37% of the twenty-five thousand voters polls. This was a little surprising, but considering the context of the time, 2008, this made more sense. The Great Recession had just started to occur, and the economy was going downhill. Less people are lik...